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Retiree adopts senior shelter dogs to give them love in their golden years

Steve Greig’s journey into senior dog adoption began with a heartbreak in 2012.

When his beloved companion, Wolfgang, a miniature pinscher, passed away at the age of 12 after being hit by a car, Steve was devastated.

The grief lingered for months, and he yearned for something positive to emerge from the pain.

Raised in a family of animal lovers in a small town in New Mexico, Steve’s parents instilled in him the importance of adopting shelter dogs.

Seeking solace and a way to honor Wolfgang’s memory, Steve decided to visit the local shelter to adopt the oldest dog in need.

Little did he know that this decision would reshape his life.

At the shelter, a 12-year-old Chihuahua named Eeyore captured Steve’s heart.

Despite Eeyore’s bad knees and a heart murmur, the joy radiating from the senior dog was palpable.

Steve felt an instant connection, a sense that he could help this dog live a fulfilling life.

With one ear pointing down and the other sticking up, Eeyore became the first senior animal that Steve welcomed into his home.

From then on, Steve realized that senior dog adoption and adopting animals with disabilities was his calling.

It was a way to honor Wolfgang’s memory and, more importantly, a healing method for Steve himself.

Eeyore’s presence was profound, inspiring Steve to continue adopting senior animals.

His motley family expanded to include a variety of characters—a pig named Bikini, a rabbit, two ducks, four chickens, and even a turkey named Tofu who had a penchant for Madonna tunes.

After years of adopting senior animals, Steve’s family grew to include 11 dogs in their twilight years, Good Morning America reports.

The bond between them, forged through shared experiences and the joys of companionship, became the cornerstone of Steve’s life.

To share these heartwarming stories, Steve began regularly updating his dogs’ adventures on an Instagram page, gaining over a million followers and a platform to spread the message of senior dog adoption.

Reflecting on his unique family dynamic, Steve acknowledges the unexpected blessings of joy, fame, and friendship that have come his way.

The pain of Wolfgang’s loss has transformed into a purposeful mission, bringing diverse and heartwarming experiences into his life.

“It’s just been an amazing experience. I did it originally because I was in pain from a dog that had passed away,” he shared. “So I did it to kind of relieve that pain and to give the dog that had passed away to give his life and, you know, a meaning. But it’s just taken on a whole new life of its own.”

For Steve, senior dog adoption isn’t just about providing a home; it’s about embracing the best version of each animal.

He encourages others to consider adopting seniors, emphasizing the ease and fulfillment of caring for older dogs.

Steve believes that, like people, senior dogs are the best versions of themselves when they reach a certain age, offering a unique and rewarding companionship.

In addition to the emotional rewards, Steve addresses the practical aspects of adopting senior animals.

While all pets, regardless of age, may face health challenges, older dogs often require less maintenance than their younger counterparts.

Senior dogs are content with short walks and simply want to be with their owners, making them ideal companions for individuals with varying lifestyles.

For those hesitant about adopting a senior pet, Steve suggests exploring the option of fostering.

Many shelters need fosters, and they often cover the associated costs.

“If someone loves older dogs but worries about the responsibility, they should foster. Most shelters need fosters, and they’ll cover the costs. I get so many messages on Instagram from people who adopted senior dogs and are so glad they did. I’ve never received a negative response about it,” he said.

Steve shares that he receives numerous positive messages from people who have adopted senior dogs, highlighting the enriching experiences and deep connections formed through the process.

In the end, Steve Greig’s journey from grief to joy is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of senior dog adoption.

His suburban Colorado home once filled with sorrow, now resonates with the joyous barks and loving presence of a motley crew of senior animals, each contributing their unique hues to the colorful canvas of Steve’s life.

Follow Steve’s senior dog adoption journey on Instagram and watch the video below:

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Ron Williams

Wednesday 28th of February 2024

My Dear Human

I see you are crying, for it is my moment to leave you. Please don’t cry for me. I wish to explain some things to you. You are sad because I left you. Please know that I am so very happy I met you and you became my Human! How many pets like me die each day without meeting someone special like you.

I know it saddens you as I leave you now, but it was my time to go across the rainbow bridge. Please do not blame yourself for anything we have shared. I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me. Don’t say that anymore. You have done a lot for me including loving me. Without you I would have known nothing of the beauty of love I carry with me across the rainbow bridge today.

You must know and understand that we animals live in the present intensely and we are very wise to enjoy every little thing each day and forget the bad things very quickly. Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and only 2 legs.

Know that even if you find an animal that is injured, and that you have only a little bit of time in this world to give them your love, you do a great thing for them. You provide a great comfort by being with them in their trip to and over the rainbow bridge.

None of us like to be alone, except when we realize it is time for us to leave and move on to a better place.

It is so important and comforting for you to be next to us, caressing us and holding our paw as we begin this trip. It helps us to go in peace. No more crying, please. I will be happy in my trip to a better place. I have in my memory the name you gave me and the warmth of your house, that in time became my home. I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even if I don’t always understand what you were saying to me. I carry in my heart everything you ever gave me.

Everything you did for me was a special sign of your love for me and I am forever grateful. I do not know how to tell you, because I don’t speak your language, but I hope you could see in my eyes my gratitude and my love for you too.

I am asking you for three favors now. Wipe away your tears, wash your face and start smiling as you remember me. Remember how good we were together and the antics I made to cheer you up. Relive all the good times we shared.

Promise me you will not say you will not adopt another animal, because you suffered so much from my departure from your life. Without you I would not have experienced the beautiful life I had with you. There are many others like me that need the same love you gave me. Find a way to honor me by giving them this same love.

Don’t keep the love you have to give from your heart, for fear of suffering another loss. Please follow my advice, cherish the time we had together, then find a way to share our love with another of God’s animals. Recognize that you are an angel of love to us animals and without humans like you, our lives here on earth would be much harder than it sometimes is.

Please continue down this road of love for animals and know that it is now my time to be your angel in my new home across the rainbow bridge. My spirit and your memory of me will always be with you on this road. I will be there to help you help other animals like me.

I will tell the all of the other animals here with me now, everything you did for me and will continue to do in my memory. I will point to you and say proudly “ That is my Family who loved me”

Each night that you look into the sky and see a blinking star, I want you to know it is me telling you I arrived in my new home and I am happy. I am also saying “THANK YOU for the love you gave me”. There is a special sky for humans like you. The same sky where we all will meet again as a reward for living the love for each other that is rare and beautiful. I will be waiting for you here and we will share more time together, remembering our love for each other.


Please Share with all in need who have lost their furbaby.

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